Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2016

Heeeeelllllooooo Rio and No-Budget-Science

Arriving in Rio, we were welcomed by Olavo Amaral and he showed us around in the city. He invited us to his #7 session of 'No-Budget-Science' (https://www.facebook.com/nobudgetscience/). With some problems in the beginning due to noisy signals we managed to perform all the experiments successfully and got the best alpha-waves so far! Thanks to Olavo for organizing everything and to the other speakers of that session. 

Even more cool news: Bernardo Esteves (the guy on the right on one of our famous selfies), a writer for the brazilian magazin piaui, attended the session and thinks about writing a short article about the 'NeuroTour'. We'll keep you updated :-)

Próxima estação: Coimbra

While staying for five days in Lisbon we made a 1 day trip to Coimbra. Thanks to Daniela Brum and Carlos Duarte for inviting us and showing us around in that wonderful and extremely historical city. My friend and 'Mentor' Max Joesch joined us in the afternoon for a very interesting city tour. I hope the Backyard Brains equipment can help the guys there who launched a science communication project on the countryside to improve their courses.

Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2016

First Stop: Erlangen

Invited by HealthHackersErlangen (https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/HealthhackersER), I started the first edition of the NeuroTour in Germany. The first edition consist of the demonstration of EMG (combined with the Human-Human-Interface), ECG and EEG. Thanks to a really open and interactive group of 20 people it was possible to perform the experiments in a laid-back atmosphere, where I also received some necessary help for explaining the waveforms of an ECG. But that's also what science is about: help each other and combining knowledge. 

Thankz to the HealthHackersErlangen for inviting me (especially Christian Schulz) and hopefully this was the beginning of a future collaboration. For more pics: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3XGfyp1aZiRd3hCak5fY0tiVW8.

Montag, 5. Dezember 2016

NeuroTour by ÉT feat. Geo & Backyard Brains

my name is Etienne Serbe and this is the 'NeuroTour'.
After finishing my PhD at the MPI of Neurobiology, I'm now on my way to make 'Neuroscience Great (again)'. To do so, I will visit various Institutions, Universities, Schools and gonna show them how easy it is to perform Neuroscience experiments with rather simple equipment. This equipment is sponsored by 'Backyard Brains' (www.backyardbrains.com). Over the next months I will update you with my current location and some pics from the Neuro presentations. My friend Georg Kolb will help me performing the experiments and takes care of documentation.